🤯 I learned a new word this week!

Good morning Reader!

Last week I was listening to a podcast and the host introduced a phrase I had never heard before - "survivorship bias."

The Decision Lab defines survivorship bias as, "a cognitive shortcut that occurs when a visible successful subgroup is mistaken as an entire group, due to the failure subgroup not being visible."

👉 Basically, survivorship bias is when you focus on the success of something and disregard the failures.

The podcast was about running a business and the host was emphasizing how many business coaches are selling promises that only work for .0001% of the population.

"Work with me and I'll grow your following from 50 to 5,000 in one week! Here, look at my client Tracy who is a testament to my amazing skills!" Then you're presented with a testimonial from Tracy who raves about Business Coach and you're convinced that Business Coach must be delivering success after success.

But for every one of these success stories, there are probably hundreds of people who attempted to start a business with sleazy sales tactics and failed.

As he was talking, I had a lightbulb moment 💡.

This is exactly what the weight loss and wellness industry does!

You hear someone talking about how her algae cream cured her acne overnight... Just because it worked for HER, doesn't mean it will work for YOU - or for the other 100 people who try it.

And all those weight loss success stories? Just because THEY had success, doesn't mean YOU will have success.

The sneaky part is that you don't see the people who didn't have success. You don't hear from the people who tried diet x and didn't get the promised results. You only hear from the people who DID lose the weight and now want to scream it from the rooftops.

I'm not trying to be a downer. You have full permission and autonomy to chase after whatever dreams you have in whatever way you believe serves you best.

AND I think it's really important that we remember that the success stories we hear aren't the full picture.

Want to read more about this topic?

>> Check out this blog post where I explore what business coaches and weight loss coaches have in common <<

⭐️ Random updates and things that are bringing me joy ⭐️

🧵 It's official. I'm a Threader. Not gonna lie, I'm loving this new app. Because I love words! and Threads is all about words! and thoughts! and it turns out people are really funny on there. I know that social media is taking over the world and our brains. I'm trying very hard to be intentional with my screen time, but right now it feels like a new toy that I get to play with!

🏕️ This weekend we're going camping as a family of 3 for the first time! That's right, our little 8-month-old will be sleeping amongst the trees. Fingers crossed we all get a couple of hours of sleep each night?!

🧘‍♀️ I just learned that the Calm app has a family plan! If you know me, you know I love Calm. I have found it to be the best meditation app out there. Insight Timer is the best free meditation app, but I think Calm is worth the annual subscription fee. Their sleep stories truly work miracles. That said, I just found out you can have a family plan with 6 people on it and they can be any 6 people - friends, family, roommates, etc.! So if you've been wanting to give Calm a try, this would be a super budget-friendly way to do so!

⭐️ Business Things ⭐️

💰 I'm accepting 1:1 clients for my YNAB Budget Coaching on a rolling basis (it's only a 1 month commitment so I'm pretty much always accepting new clients)! Check out all the details here!

Okie dokie, that'll do it for today! I hope you're able to tap into moments of nourishment and joy this week, Reader. ❤️

Chelsea Hester- Bradt, MA

Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor & YNAB Budget Coach

Pssst... I'm a real person, reading and replying to each and every email, so don't hesitate to reach out with thoughts or questions! I truly love hearing from you!

Intuitive Eating Counselor & YNAB Budget Coach

This is a place where we challenge diet-culture, reconnect to the wisdom of your body, and push back against societal "shoulds." Sign up below to receive monthly emails full of education and encouragement to support you on your healing journey with your body, food, and money!

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