Exciting news! Your budget doesn't have to feel like a diet!

Let'ssssss talk about MONEY. 💰

Why? You might ask (considering you're probably here because I'm an Intuitive Eating Counselor).

Partially because I love numbers. But also because...

👉I’ve heard countless remarks from clients about how their relationship with money resembles their relationship with food.

When talking about spending AND eating, I often hear phrases such as "it's restrictive, it's out of control, I feel guilty no matter what I spend/eat, it's mindless and impulsive, I don't trust myself, I've tried system after system/program after program, I feel like I should know how to do this by now, I'm scared people will judge my spending/eating decisions."

Does any of that sound familiar?

Just like I believe peace with food is possible, I also believe that:

❤️ Looking at your bank account doesn't have to make your heart sink.

❤️ Spending money on something that lights up your heart doesn't have to illicit guilt.

❤️ And deciding how, where, and when you want to spend money doesn't have to lead to overwhelm.

I want to support you in making peace with food AND money. And the way we do this is by changing our relationship with money. But HOW????

You may have noticed I frequently talk about a budgeting method & software called You Need A Budget (YNAB).

I've been using YNAB for 5 years. It has transformed my relationship with money in a similar way that Intuitive Eating has transformed my relationship with food.

What is YNAB?

YNAB is a method for managing money and software that helps you implement that method.

  • The YNAB method consists of four rules.
  • The YNAB software (via web and an app) does all your math for you and keeps track of your finances in an organized way.

>>To learn about the Four Rules, read my YNAB blog post here. <<

I'm a huge fan of YNAB because it doesn’t feel like a diet. There are no "shoulds," no shame, and no rigid rules to follow (the "rules" mentioned above are more like mindset shifts and 'big picture' suggestions - not your typical budgeting "rules".)

🎉 In fact, YNAB and Intuitive Eating have a lot in common.

YNAB is about shifting your relationship with money just like Intuitive Eating is about shifting your relationship with food.

Both of them involve concrete tips and techniques to help you make these shifts, but ultimately the first step is to open yourself up to approaching money and food in a totally new way.

What YNAB and Intuitive Eating have in common:


Rather than having a fixed and rigid budget that stresses you out and sucks all the fun out of life, YNAB promotes fluidity with your money and spending decisions.


All of YNAB's staff, teachers, coaches, and promotional materials are intentional about using language that discourages feelings of guilt and shame.

Honors you for being YOU!

YNAB and Intuitive Eating both honor your uniqueness and resist outside pressures to spend money or look a certain way.

Mindfulness & intention
Any time you make money, you give those dollars a job. Meaning, you decide in advance what the purpose is for every dollar (with lots of flexibility as previously mentioned.)

I can help you!

While pregnant, I went through YNAB's official coaching certification program so that I can add "YNAB Coaching" to my ever-growing list of jobs and passions. 😊

But for real. Check out my most recent blog post all about YNAB, check out YNAB's free resources on their website, and if you ever want help with your budget down the road, know that I'm here to GEEK OUT WITH JOY AND ENTHUSIASM over numbers with you. Check out my 1:1 YNAB coaching here!

Whether you use the software or not, I encourage you to turn towards your finances with compassion and understanding, just as you would your body and food. There's no amount of guilt and shame that will lead to more peace and joy.

⭐️ New on the blog ⭐️

Guilt-free budgeting: Using YNAB to shift your money mindset and make peace with your finances

Check out my new blog post to learn all about the YNAB Method, the parallels between how people talk about food and money, and why I think YNAB is the Intuitive Eating of the budgeting world!

⭐️ Random updates and things that are bringing me joy ⭐️

📺 The Tony Awards have come and gone! If you watched it, what are your thoughts on the winners?!? Kimberly Akimbo took home Best Musical and Parade won Best Revival of a Musical. I've seen them both! Parade will forever go down in history as one of the most emotional and beautiful theater experiences I've had. 😭

😬 **This update isn't bringing me joy** There's a lot of yucky stuff going with NEDA (National Eating Disorder Association) right now. In summary, they fired their helpline staff and replaced them with an AI bot who ended up giving people (with eating disorders) diet and weight loss advice when they wrote in. And since this has been made public (with screenshots) NEDA has not taken any accountability for their harm. I'm hoping to write an email in the near future all about it, but for now, I encourage you to check out Sharon Maxwell's IG posts and Vinny Welsby's post.

That'll do it for today, Reader!

Have you heard of YNAB? Do you notice any parallels between your relationships with food and money? Hit reply and tell me all your thoughts because I loveeeee reading them. ❤️

Chelsea Hester- Bradt, MA

Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor & YNAB Budget Coach

P.S. What the heck is YNAB? Read my latest blog post to find out!

Intuitive Eating Counselor & YNAB Budget Coach

This is a place where we challenge diet-culture, reconnect to the wisdom of your body, and push back against societal "shoulds." Sign up below to receive monthly emails full of education and encouragement to support you on your healing journey with your body, food, and money!

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