
Intuitive Eating Counselor & YNAB Budget Coach

This is a place where we challenge diet-culture, reconnect to the wisdom of your body, and push back against societal "shoulds." Sign up below to receive monthly emails full of education and encouragement to support you on your healing journey with your body, food, and money!

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Sugar ☠️

"Sugar is _____ [insert really extreme and scary-sounding adjective here]." Sugar is bad. Sugar is evil. Sugar kills. Sugar is the devil. Sugar is *poison.* The demonization of sugar… oh let me count thy ways. I spoke with a client recently about the phrase “sugar is poison.” She said it plays on repeat in her head any time she eats something with sugar and, naturally, feels bad about herself afterward. Poison. Poison. Poison?!?! Come onnnnnn. Drinking bleach is poison. Eating rat poison is…...

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Good morning [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]! Last week I was listening to a podcast and the host introduced a phrase I had never heard before - "survivorship bias." The Decision Lab defines survivorship bias as, "a cognitive shortcut that occurs when a visible successful subgroup is mistaken as an entire group, due to the failure subgroup not being visible." 👉 Basically, survivorship bias is when you focus on the success of something and disregard the failures. The podcast was about running a...

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It's easy to look at someone's food choices and compare them to what you would be eating right now at your current hunger level, in your current emotional state, with your current privileges, with your current morals and values, with your current relationship with food. We're conditioned to compare our choices to others and are taught there's a hierarchy in foods. But commenting on what someone is eating, at best, makes for an awkward conversation, and at worst, can trigger guilt or shame in...

Let'ssssss talk about MONEY. 💰 Why? You might ask (considering you're probably here because I'm an Intuitive Eating Counselor). Partially because I love numbers. But also because... 👉I’ve heard countless remarks from clients about how their relationship with money resembles their relationship with food. When talking about spending AND eating, I often hear phrases such as "it's restrictive, it's out of control, I feel guilty no matter what I spend/eat, it's mindless and impulsive, I don't...

👉 Diet culture is all about changing the current version of you. Obsessing about what you ate last night or how you might look tomorrow keeps you stuck in the past and worried about the future. Diet culture fixates on: Striving to change your weight and your appearance Questioning the food you just ate and replaying past decisions over and over in your mind Trying to return to or avoid a previous version of yourself Stressing over and planning future meals Living in a world of "what ifs" The...

Grocery shopping and meal planning don’t come naturally for me. 😥 I’m easily overwhelmed by all the options at a grocery store and almost always forget a kitchen necessity if I’m relying on my brain alone. 👇 With much experimenting, here are 5 tools I’ve found to help me streamline these sometimes stressful tasks. 🎉 I run out of groceries, I add them to a reusable board on the refrigerator in the moment so that when it comes time to grocery shop, I don't have to recall all the random items I...

What does it mean to be "anti-diet?" These are just a few things that come to mind when I think of an "anti-dieter."⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Obviously we're all unique and your journey will look different from the next person's. But there are 3 themes I tend to see across the board. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀1) Rejecting the diet mentality. Get clear on WHY DIETS DON'T WORK and take steps to pursue another way of eating that doesn't involve restriction and rules. (hint hint, Intuitive Eating!) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀2) Feeling empowered...